Why React?
React is an outstanding compromise between pure, functional, declarative principals and the loose, dynamic reality we work within.

React is an outstanding compromise between pure, functional, declarative principals and the loose, dynamic reality we work within.
In recent weeks a fascinating new library has been getting attention in the React community - redux-saga [https://github.com/yelouafi/redux-saga]. It's billed as an "alternative side-effect model" for Redux that uses ES'15 generators and competes with the fundamental redux-thunk [h…
If you follow React developers on Twitter, you've probably been hearing the name Redux [https://www.npmjs.com/package/redux] come up a lot lately. There's a good reason for this - Redux solves one of the biggest and most frustrating pain points for most React developers - state management.…
In May of last year, Facebook released an open source library for building frontend components called React [http://facebook.github.io/react/]. It's built around some rather unorthodox philosophies about the browser and application structure, but over time it has gained quite a bit of steam as m…
I just found out about React [http://facebook.github.io/react/], a JavaScript library from Facebook The philosophy is really interesting. As I understand it, when there are changes to the data they render to a shadow DOM (which is very fast since nothing is actually updated on the screen), diff it…