xkcd: Outbreak
XKCD is one of the best web comics around. Combine it with zombies, and hilarity ensues! This is going to be a good Friday. :-)…

Principal Engineer, type system nerd, Rust enthusiast, supporter of social justice, loving husband & father, avid comic & manga reader, 日本語を勉強してる。
XKCD is one of the best web comics around. Combine it with zombies, and hilarity ensues! This is going to be a good Friday. :-)…
These are some epically awesome moments in Sci-Fi history, classified into nifty groups.…
The Call While driving to work on the George Bush Turnpike, I got a call. When I looked at the Caller ID and saw my wife’s name, I knew exactly what the call was about. I had no idea about the ride we were in for, though. From that moment on, life has been unrelentingly exciting, scary, joyful, s…
Barbara and I often watch Wheel of Fortune when I get home from work, because it’s on right before some of our favorite shows. These are some pretty hilarious disasters from Wheel over the years.…
I currently keep two separate blogs - my technology blog at brandonkonkle.com [http://brandonkonkle.com/blog], and my personal blog here. I do this because the people interested in my personal entries usually have no desire to sift through mountains of technical jargon and programming examples just…