Brandon Konkle
Brandon Konkle

Principal Engineer, type system nerd, Rust enthusiast, supporter of social justice, loving husband & father, avid comic & manga reader, 日本語を勉強してる。


Principal Engineer, type system nerd, Rust enthusiast, supporter of social justice, loving husband & father, avid comic & manga reader, 日本語を勉強してる。

Packagers don't know best

This was a really interesting read, and it reminded me of discussions we've had at Lincoln Loop recently about whether to check requirements into the repository or install them separately (with pip/virtualenv or npm or bower or whatever). I've always been in the install separately and add to…

Brandon Konkle Brandon Konkle

New Marvel #1s

I just finished this week’s new #1 issues from Marvel - Wolverine & The X-Men, and The Incredible Hulk. Both were very pleasantly surprising.  I’ve been pretty solidly in DC world the last couple of months, but these issues are definitely reeling me back into Marvel’s universe. Wolverine &…

Brandon Konkle Brandon Konkle

IT Competition

> “It wasn’t this busy during the dot-com boom. The demand now is at the point where the candidates are more in command of the process than they know. They hear that the economy is about to tank, and assume there are hundreds available for their position, when it’s exactly the opposite.” >…

Brandon Konkle Brandon Konkle